The Group promotes a holistic and cross-cutting approach to sustainability that defines every aspect of its business, allowing it to continue to grow in a fair and sustainable manner, while relying on investments in product and process innovation development.
Manni Group promotes innovation in the processing and use of steel in all its applications.
It develops engineering solutions and services to meet structural requirements, energy efficiency and the production of energy from renewable sources.
The Group bases its capacity to generate lasting and shared value with every stakeholder on every choice, action, activity and project carried out at the group level.
Steel is recyclable “by definition” as it can be reused an infinite number of times without losing its intrinsic properties; the thermal insulation of buildings, energy from renewable sources, and energy management, are key areas for any energy policy.
Manni Group is committed to reducing the environmental impact of its business by continuously improving its performance and adopting best practices to generate value for society and for its stakeholders.
Ever aware of its responsibility towards current stakeholders and future generations, the Group continues to grow in a fair and sustainable manner, while relying on investments in the research and development of products and processes.
Manni Group is thus committed to updating its Sustainability Policy to reflect the demands of its stakeholders, and in any case at least every 3 years.
The Group embraces the principles of circular economy, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the European Green Deal, as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Manni Group organises its structure in such a way as to promote an informed, responsible and participated decision-making process with its stakeholders, ensure effective and transparent organisation, manage and contain risks, and inspire medium and long-term action.
This commitment is based on four assets:
Internal organisation
Supply chain responsibility
Manni Group promotes inclusive industrialisation, increasing the efficient use of resources and reducing its own and the supply chain’s impact on the environment by adapting its processes. To this end, it invests in scientific research and innovation as tools for driving this change. Its contribution to the construction sector lies in innovative building projects with a low environmental impact and low carbon emissions, focused on the use of safe, healthy materials. This is achieved by investing constantly in three main verticals:
Responsible production
Manni Group considers human capital its most important strategic asset with which to manage and innovate its business successfully by pursuing excellence.
The protection of human rights and of the health and safety of its employees are the Group’s top priorities.
Manni Group promotes a participatory style that allows people to express and develop their potential freely on various fronts:
Ethics and values
Health and Safety
Promoting human capital
Manni Group contributes to decarbonisation by promoting renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and energy monitoring. This is because it considers climate change the main environmental challenge facing us today, and is committed to fighting it.
The Group is also committed to researching and developing innovative products and services for the market, so as to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact through an approach involving:
Renewable sources
Energy efficiency
For more information about every aspect of our policy, please read the full document.
Download the complete documentOver the years, Manni Group has continuously adapted to international best practices and improved its risk management processes, both in operational terms and with regard to Environmental Social Governance (ESG). The Group's companies have thus progressively obtained certifications that attest to the standards of quality offered to their employees, to the market and to the community.
The Science Based Target Initiative, promoted by the Carbon Disclosure Project, World Resource Institute, WWF and UN Global Compact, provides guidance to companies in setting long-term emission reduction targets, which allow global warming to be kept within 2°C.

Carbon Footprint Italy (CFI) is the Italian Carbon Management Programme Operator established to disclose, in a professional and dependable manner, the results of the quantification of GHG emissions of products and organisations. The CFI programme addresses the carbon footprint of both products and organisations. Manni Group, with its GHG emission inventory drawn up in accordance with ISO 14064-1:2019 and verified by Bureau Veritas, is the first company to be registered as an organisation within CFI.

The Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) obtained by Isopan clearly defines the environmental impact related to the production of a specific product or service, such as energy and raw materials consumption, waste production and emissions.

Isopan is the first company in Italy to have obtained the Declare label, in March 2019, for its innovative products. Isopan’s Leaf and Green Roof have obtained the label for the transparency of the building materials used. Declare is a label of the International Living Future Institute (ILFI) attesting to the safety of the materials used in products for the construction market. The Declare label certifies that the labelled product contains no ‘ingredients’ included in the Red List, i.e. the list of the most harmful materials in the construction industry.