Master & Design Award

Manni Group meets architecture

Master in Off-site Technologies

The Manni Group course for technicians and architects on the most modern trends in off-site construction.

Manni Group Design Award

The Manni Group international architecture competition for young designers.

A Jury of international Archistars

The Manni Group Design Award will involve a community of more than 4000 professionals worldwide. To judge their projects will be a remarkable jury composed of top-level archistars such as Patrik Schumacher (Zaha Hadid Architects), Ben Van Berkel (UNStudio), Stefano Boeri (Stefano Boeri Architetti), Antonio Cruz (Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos) and Giovanni De Niederhausern (Pininfarina).
A unique chance, therefore, for the designers to show their talent and get in touch with the precious judgment of the archistars.


The international archistars who have evaluated the competitions

Data Landscape

IV Manni Group Design Award - 2022

For a long time considered infrastructure rather than architecture, numerous recent experiments show how data centers can become landmarks of modern cities, offering unprecedented opportunities for the revitalization of abandoned buildings and disused areas. This is the case with a former military bunker in the Venetian Pre-Alps: an architecture difficult to reuse due to its isolation and underground development, which, within the logic of a data center, finds a very favorable reinterpretation. How can the characteristics of military archaeology be leveraged for the design of a modern data center? How can this function be integrated into a breathtaking landscape? These are the questions at the core of Data Landscape: the Manni Group competition to envision a new generation of data centers capable of interacting with existing structures and landscapes to generate magnificent and iconic architectures. As a sign of contemporary times, data centers are set to change the face of cities, just as railway stations, industries, and large constructions dedicated to the needs of their times have done. Taking an interest in data centers today means writing a significant chapter in the cities of tomorrow.

Ghana Innovation Farm

III Manni Group Design Award - 2021

The Manni Group Design Award reaches its third edition: every year through this contest we involve designers from all over the world to create unique creations through offsite technologies, evaluated and awarded by internationally renowned Architecture Firms. Only 3% of the agricultural crop in Africa is managed through a system capable of maintaining the cold chain, thus wasting more than half of the products. The designers will therefore have to give life to the face of the Ghana Innovation Farm, a place to share skills and create wealth, a Cold Pole created to improve the economic and social conditions of the area.

Manni Group Design Award | Ghana Innovation Farm | Matt Ott, Presidente e CEO della GCCA

II° Manni Group Design Award - 2020

Detroit Waterfront District precisely focuses on the most fascinating canvas of all: the urban void overlooking the river amid downtown skyscrapers. Detroit Waterfront District is the competition promoted by Manni Group in collaboration with Sterling Group to design the future leisure and entertainment heart of the city of Detroit.

Architects will deal with the area where stood the Joe Louis Arena beside the place where- according to tradition- Detroit’s founding fathers landed. Participants will have the opportunity to design a building complex to redefine the city skyline. They will generate superb architecture masterpieces to become the symbol of the revival of one of the most iconic and controversial cities of the history of the United States of America.

Listen to the architects' comments on DETROIT WATERFRONT DISTRICT

I° Manni Group Design Award - 2019

A new rail terminal will define the meeting point between East and West. It will be located at the end of the Silk Road. For centuries, generations of geographers and merchants had considered this place the most remote destination. This new rail terminal will be at the crossroads of the old and the new, the Yin and the Yang of the opposite poles that generate the future of human society on a daily basis.

Here, millions of roads will intersect. Millions of journeys will start and end. Millions of lives, expectations and hopes will meet in the frantic and unaware atmosphere of travel-related places. This is because a station is more than a simple railroad platform, travelling is more than an experience. After all, the journey is the most real and genuine metaphor for the human condition.

Listen to the architects' comments on XI'AN TRAINSTATION
Young Architects Competitions for Manni Group

For the creation of such high-profile contests, Manni Group has relied on YAC, Young Architects Competitions: a company that promotes competitions of ideas and architecture, aimed above all - but not only - at young designers, through the periodic proposal of concrete themes architecture and urban planning capable of provoking interlocutors and generating solutions capable of imagining physical places for increasingly dynamic human activities.

The YAC platform makes it possible to reach a community of 4,200 professionals all over the world: an enormous potential in terms of visibility for architects who are preparing to participate in the Manni Group Design Award.