Alongside and in synergy with Zurich Airport, work is being completed on what is set to become one of Zurich’s architectural landmarks from 2020, currently Switzerland’s most important construction project: THE CIRCLE.




Manni Sipre


Zurigo, Svizzera


Credits: Flughafen Zürich AG

A surface area of approximately 30,000 m² on which a “city within the city” will be built, creating a usable space of 180,000 sq.m., with a convention centre, headquarters and offices (Microsoft Schweiz will also be based here), hotels, restaurants, green areas and places dedicated to art, co-working facilities and exhibition offices.

This “lifestyle & business centre” concept will certainly set a new benchmark for international airports in the rest of Europe.

“THE CIRCLE” is named after the area in which it is located, i.e. the large circular space adjacent to the entrance to Zurich Airport. Due to this proximity, the designers had to carefully assess the space needed to operate the machines during the construction of this important building. As a result, in late 2017, Manni Sipre entered into a contract agreement with Aepli Stahlbau AG of Gossau, its major Swiss customer, to manufacture large beams to build the imposing boundary barrier of the entire construction area: approximately 1,500 tonnes of beams made of sheet metal (quality S 355 J2+N, Execution Class EXC3). They were all built and pre-machined at the Manni Sipre plant in Mozzecane (in the province of Verona); all with lengths of up to 21 metres in a single solution, completed with all the reinforcement ribs and delivered directly to Switzerland.

The site’s complex requirements required a subdivision into multiple progress steps, completing and delivering the supply in compliance with scheduled times and with the strict technical requirements of the Swiss end customer, Flughafen Zürich AG