Only an extraordinary and highly symbolic event could celebrate a 75-year long history, such as that of our company. And what better way than to hold an international contest, in collaboration with the Young Architects Competition (YAC).
By staging the first edition of the Manni Group Design Award “Xi'An Train Station”, the company provided a great opportunity to put into practice the key principles of dry and off-site construction: sustainability, material recycling and energy saving.
The architect community responded with enthusiasm, with excellent proposals from 75 different countries. The winners of the Manni Group Design Award were assessed by an outstanding jury made up of 14 of the most distinguished experts in contemporary architecture of international renown, such as Patrik Schumacher (Zaha Hadid Architects), Ben van Berkel (UNStudio) and Stefano Boeri, Chairman of the Triennale di Milano Foundation.

by Manni Green Tech
The need to increase the space available to people in existing buildings generates new safe and comfortable environments, with various ways of relating to the outside. Capsule is a flexible module designed for new ways of living spaces.
It is an autonomous multifunctional modular structure which, placed side by side with an existing building, increases the available square meters, generating new opportunities for use.
A pre-assembled light steel supporting structure, completed by variable coating systems and plants, is able to support various activities in the office, residential, retail, park and hospitality world.
by Isopan
Green Roof literally brings green above all, through the integration of the green roof system on a flat roof made with a corrugated bilayer sandwich panel. The external sheet is covered with a special protective and waterproof synthetic film, in synthetic or tpo ( olefin-based thermoplastic elastomers) Thermal insulation is guaranteed by the insulating core in polyurethane foam or mineral wool.
Verona Network Award
Giuseppe Manni won the 2017 Verona Network Award:
“For the results obtained by Manni Group and for his commitment to local, national and international social, artistic and cultural projects.”
Nicolis Museum Award
Awarded by the Nicolis Museum to Giuseppe Manni as a particularly important entrepreneur in the Italian industrial scene.
“We are delighted to confer the 2014 Nicolis Museum Award upon Giuseppe Manni and Gruppo Manni HP, a far-sighted group that has continued to invest in the area, while also tackling the globalised market and international competition with determination and vision, attesting, through its business activities, to a way of being entrepreneurs that we share, honours our country, and make us all very proud.”
Silvia Nicolis, Director of the Nicolis Museum in Villafranca, Verona
Enterprise Award for the Common Good
Awarded to Giuseppe Manni during the 2nd Social Doctrine Festival in Verona for the quality and reach of the humanitarian initiatives carried out in areas around the world in vital need of international solidarity. The award was presented by Italian TV personality Milly Carlucci during the Social Doctrine Festival held in Verona on 14 September 2012.
Assiteca Award
Assiteca “2011 Best Practice” award conferred upon Gruppo Manni HP Spa in the Large Businesses category, a prestigious acknowledgement for Italian companies that stand out in terms of investment and risk management.
“For risk management in Italian companies: procedures, instruments and solutions protecting commercial credit”.
Silvia Nicolis, Director of the Nicolis Museum in Villafranca, Verona
“Domus Mercatorum Award”
Award conferred by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Craftsmanship (CCIAA) of Verona upon Chairman Giuseppe Manni for leading the Group to position itself as the undisputed leader in Europe and in the distribution and processing of iron and steel products, components for steel constructions and the production and marketing of insulating metal panels.
“A first-class entrepreneur whose managerial style and enthusiastic approach to the most innovative technologies have led Manni Group , in over fifty years of activity, to position itself as an undisputed leader in Europe in the distribution and processing of iron and steel products, metal components for steel constructions and the production and marketing of insulating metal panels. Today, as in 1960, with the same calling for doing business, with an unwavering passion for steel, and with an open mind to the values of solidarity and art in its various forms.”
Alessandro Bianchi, Chairman of the CCIAA in Verona
Enterprise Award for Social Responsibility
Award conferred by Confindustria Verona upon Gruppo Manni HP Spa for placing a strong focus on corporate social responsibility, with a view to maximising value for all stakeholders; and for boosting the group’s profitability, paying keen attention to the growth and integration of human resources, to the creation of a constructive and motivating working environment, to environmental awareness, and to initiatives supporting the local and international community. Research, solidarity, communication, culture and the development of human resources represent the essence and the approach to doing business encapsulated and expressed in the Group’s Corporate Image.
Best Practice Award for Integration
First edition of the “National Award for Good Business Practices to Integrate Foreign Employees” conferred by the Presidency of the Italian Council of Ministers, Department of Equal Opportunities, and by UNAR – National Racial Anti-Discrimination Office, to Gruppo Manni HP Spa. Winner in the Large Businesses category.
Europe’s 500 – Jobs Creating Companies
Award conferred by Europe’s Entrepreneurs for Growth, KPMG and MICROSOFT Europe upon Giuseppe Manni for his dynamism, innovation and entrepreneurial success in developing Gruppo Manni HP Spa.
Outstanding performance and a significant contribution to employment have proved the significant impact of growing companies on the European economy.
“Impresa Formativa” Award
“Impresa Formativa” Award of Confindustria-Association of Manufacturers of the Province of Verona conferred upon Giuseppe Manni by Luca Cordero di Montezemolo:
“For having skilfully handled the issue of multiculturalism in an evolving organisational context with attention and sensibility, using training as a component of professional growth and cultural sharing. Extensive and widespread training is shared at all levels and is part of the company’s strategy. Opening to the outside world is good practice and enables the company to establish virtuous relations, especially with schools and universities, in a mutual and positive exchange between the enterprise’s experiences and skills and the impetus that comes from youth.”
Corporate Golden Donor
Recognition granted by FAI, the Italian Environment Fund, upon Gruppo Manni HP Spa as Corporate Golden Donor.
Quality Systems and Integration Quality Certificate
“Quality Systems and Integration Quality” certificate issued by SIL (Servizio Integrazione Lavorativa – Work Integration Service), ULSS 20 Verona (Local Health and Social Unit) – Veneto Region Conference of Mayors, granted to Gruppo Manni HP Spa in recognition of the excellence, helpfulness and professionalism shown as part of its partnership with SIL in favour of disabled and disadvantaged people. “Impresa Formativa” Award of Confindustria-Association of Manufacturers of the Province of Verona conferred upon Gruppo Manni HP Spa.
Entrepreneur of the Year Award
EY, Ernst & Young Global Limited “Entrepreneur of the Year” award conferred upon Giuseppe Manni as a finalist in the Trade category.