ATLASMART is granted the Tata Steel GOLD Mention
Tata Steel awarded ATLASMART, the name chosen by the French designer Mohamed Abdelkrim Khaled Bouhidel, the mention: “Aesthetics that Last” for the best proposal for using the Isopan ADDVISION solution with Colorcoat Prisma® pre-finished steel.
The second edition of the Manni Group Design Award was an opportunity for designers from all around the world, top names in architecture and leading companies in the construction materials sector to meet.
Besides the top three awards, the contest of ideas, promoted by Manni Group for the sustainable redevelopment of the Detroit Waterfront District also awarded four GOLD Mentions linked to using offsite building technologies.
Tata Steel, the Main Sponsor of the contest, is one of the major steel companies in the world and formed part of the international panel of judges to choose the winner of the Gold Mention “Aesthetics that Last”.
“The level of the projects, the professionalism and the amount of information that has been included in all the proposals have made it extremely difficult to judge this contest” says Claudio Chimienti, Regional Manager of the company for Southern Europe.
The mention “Aesthetics that Last” awards the best solution for design finishes for building facades, thanks to the use of Colorcoat Prisma® by Tata Steel applied to Isopan's ADDVISION solution.

The GOLD Mention was awarded to The Green Core, by the French designer Mohamed Abdelkrim Khaled Bouhidel: three elegant towers that house a green heart that lights up at night, creating a pleasant internal landscape, whereas its iconic profile stands out in the Detroit skyline seen from the Canadian city of Windsor, on the opposite river bank.
The three luxurious towers of the new mixed-use district are set on a triangular base with rounded corners, which makes the buildings more aerodynamic than the winds that lash through the city: the connecting thread of the three blocks is a walkable undulating canopy, which also includes functional spaces and constitutes an aesthetic impact in Detroit by night.
But the most interesting innovative aspect of The Green Core certainly lies at its core: a vertical forest brings nature amidst metropolitan architecture and symbolises the sustainable rebirth of Detroit, also thanks to a wind turbine that generates electricity. This central tower houses gardens and services for the three towers, whereas 18,000 m2 of GreenROOF complete the roofs.

The three-dimensional structure is entirely made of steel and is completed in glass and sandwich panels: in the string course elements, the designer opted to incorporate Isopan ADDVISION panels with Colorcoat Prisma® pre-finished steel by Tata Steel.
“When I was judging the projects, there were three main points I wanted to focus on,” says Claudio Chimienti, who represented the company in choosing the winning project of the Manni Group Design Award Mention, together with the international starchitects panel. “These were the visual aspect of the building and how it would blend in with the landscape of the defined place, the aspect of sustainability, which is now an essential part of the building design and, lastly, how the projects fulfilled the indicated theme”.
And he goes on to explain the reasons for the mention by Tata Steel: “I chose The Green Core because I felt that this concept truly satisfied all aspects of the brief; be it the canopy that enhances the skyline or the flow of human traffic in this once abandoned area. I appreciated the subtle design details that allowed this building to mix nature with city life, from the green roofs and gardens to the lighting of the canopy strip that could be seen from the neighbouring town. I think its gesture to sustainability is what made this project stand out. In the construction industry, we are always challenged to develop products that support architects in creating sustainable building projects and which ultimately allow the building owner to have a lower operational carbon impact. It was simply fantastic to think of turning the building project into a functional element to provide active long-term benefits, and for these to then be used inside a building that has its own innovative wind turbine to generate electricity.” which earned it the GOLD mention of the Main Sponsor.